Project 1 After Effects


Hi guys, i want to preset you my project: "Fabric of chaos" an analogue horror short film which, the theme is, what if back in the future(the movie) went wrong? My objective in this project is to show and polish my skills in video making. To craft the project i'll make use of differet clips i found in the web that fit the idea and make by myself some scenes, of course effects will be added to give that VHS look.

Story board in figma

I started by writing a script for the video, then went and downloaded all the necessary clips and AI voice lines, then, in Premiere Pro i edited and organized all the clips and audio. Then i started to add the text and make my own scenes. The last step was exporting the video and then add the effects in Adobe After Effects. And that's how i got this final result. Of course i had to deal with some issues in the process, for exemple everytime i would export the file the audio wouldnt match the graphics ;-;. Next time i would like to improve more the audio, maybe add more elememts to it? like more narrative with the AI voice and more static effect.